FAN EXPO Boston takes place this Friday through Saturday, September 3 through 5, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, 415 Summer St., Boston. The Fan Expo is a gathering of fans of one of the most beloved and popular forms of art that has taken over the media, comic books. However, not only graphic novels, but all sorts of pieces of pop culture are celebrated at this event such as aspects of science fiction, horror, anime and video games. Safety regulations will also be implemented to protect the Fan Expo’s guests.
Regarding safety for this event, the Fan Expo requires that its guests adhere to certain rules to safeguard against Covid 19. These rules include wearing masks, washing or sanitizing hands often, and keeping a distance between people when possible. Above all else, if a person is not feeling well, then they are advised to stay home.
Guests can be found in costume throughout the entire event where they celebrate comic books by dressing as their favorite characters. These guests are also able to purchase comic books and original artwork from a selection of more than 1,000 retailers in the Fan Expo. However, this event’s greatest support to the art community isn’t its ability to sell large amounts of comic book related merchandise, but the opportunity it gives new comic book artists to showcase their work.
FAN EXPO Boston’s artist alley is a location within the event where one can see and meet members of the comic book creating community. Both legendary comic book artists and writers, as well as beginners, are found in the artist alley. Their artwork can be seen throughout this area of the event where one can purchase a copy of it and get it signed by the artist. These legendary comic book artists include special guest Pat Broderick who will be appearing on all three days of the Fan Expo.
Broderick is credited as a penciller, inker, colorist and artist who is known for his work penciling the “Batman: Year Three” storyline by Marv Wolfman. This is just one of his many projects working with the comic book company DC Comics. His work also includes Captain Atom, Green Lantern, Firestorm and Legion of Super-Heroes. He is also known for his work on Captain Marvel, Micronauts and Alpha Flight for the Marvel Comics company. However, unlike Pat Broderick there will also be legendary comic book artists in competition at the Fan Expo.
Another legendary comic book artist that will be appearing for all three days is Ralph “Rags” Morales. Morales, who has 28 years of experience in the business of creating comic books, will not only be appearing, but competing in a sketch duel with fellow artists Chad Hardin and Yanick Paquette. This competition features these three comic book artists going “pen to pen.” Guests can enter to win the original artwork that they produce once they finish.
FAN EXPO Boston describes this event on their website as, “an amazing experience to witness [as] these friendly rival competitions show who has got the edge in comic book illustration.” This event will take place on Saturday at 1 p.m. in 253C Theatre #3 of the Exhibition Center. This is only one small event amongst many in FAN EXPO Boston’s itinerary to celebrate the art of comic books.
(FAN EXPO Boston takes place September 3 through 5 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, 415 Summer St., Boston, Massachusetts. The Fan Expo begins on Friday from 4 p.m.-8:30 p.m., is open Saturday from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For more information and to buy tickets, visit fanexpohq.com/fanexpoboston/.)