Left to Right: Beatrice del Perugia,Ecco, 2021, monotype with chine collé and collage, 2” x 2”. Theresa Haberkorn, Bubbles, 2021, monoprint, 2” x 2”. Holly Hawthorn, Momma Said There’d Be Days Like This, 2021, monoprint, 2” x 2”. Larissa Grass, Great Horned, 2021, intaglio with chine collé, 2 x 2, woodblock print, 20” x 11”.
When I think of scale in art, Monet’s water lilies or Cristo and Jeanne-Claude’s environmental installations spring to mind. While large-scale works immerse us, small-scale works ask us to squint up close to explore every detail. The 13th Biennial Miniature Print International Exhibition at the Center for Contemporary Printmaking requires just this. Curated by Christina Weyl, author of “The Women of Atelier 17: Modernist Printmaking in Midcentury New York,” this exhibition features 128 miniature prints generally measuring two-by-two inches, none more than four.
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