URI Providence Gallery
URI Feinstein Providence Campus 1st and 2nd floor Lobby Gallery 80 Washington St. Providence, RI 02903 (401) 277-5206 uri.edu/ceps/prov/arts uri.artsandculture@gmail.com twitter @URIprovarts URI Feinstein Providence Campus 1st and 2nd floor Lobby Gallery 80 Washington St. Providence, RI 02903 (401) 277-5206 uri.edu/ceps/prov/arts uri.artsandculture@gmail.com twitter @URIprovartsNovember 8-December 8URI Providence Campus, theJohn Brown Center for PublicHumanities and the TomaquagMuseum present“Climates of Inequality: Storiesof Environmental Justice”,with a Gallery Night ReceptionNovember 18. The exhibit is apublic memory project, createdby university students, educators,and community leaders from twentycities across the United States.Students from Brown in partnership with the Tomaquag Museum createda section that explores Narragansettsurvivance […]
Currier Museum of Art
150 Ash St, Manchester, NH 03104, USA 150 Ash St, Manchester, NH 03104, USAThrough December 5“WPA in NH: Philip Guston and Musa McKim”Philip Guston and Musa McKim painted a pair of monumental murals for the Federal forestry building in Laconia, New Hampshire.Through February 27, 2022“As Precious as Gold: Carpets from the Islamic World”On loan from the Saint Louis Art Museum, this collection is considered one of the most […]
Bannister Gallery at Rhode Island College
600 Mt. Pleasant Ave. Providence, RI 02908 (401) 456-9765 ric.edu/bannister bannistergallery@ric.edu 600 Mt. Pleasant Ave. Providence, RI 02908 (401) 456-9765 ric.edu/bannister bannistergallery@ric.eduNovember 10-December 10“John O’Connor: Self-AvoidingWalks”Reception: Wednesday,November 10, 4-7 p.m.Pre-registration required forreception and gallery visits.See our website for moreinformation.Hours: Mon. - Fri., 12 - 8 p.m.
6 Bridges Gallery
77 Main St. Maynard, MA 01754 (978) 897-3825 6bridgesgallery.com 6bridgesgallery@gmail.com 77 Main St. Maynard, MA 01754 (978) 897-3825 6bridgesgallery.com 6bridgesgallery@gmail.comNovember 17 - December 26.Holiday Market. The gallery willbe brimming with giftable fineart and craft, including specialofferings by Holiday Seasonconsignors. Enhanced ventilation,mandatory masking, and fullyvaccinated staff provide forsafety during In Person shopping.Shopping by appointment available upon request.
Alexandra Thompson at Gallery 444
444 Commercial St, Provincetown, MA 02657, USA 444 Commercial St, Provincetown, MA 02657, USA"Returning Trains": Alexandra Thompson (alexandra-thompson.com) at Gallery 444. In paint, sculpture and drawing, a landscape of memory and dream in transit between the midwest and the Atlantic. The artist employs a rawness of material and image to explore the raveled confluence of human and view. Opening reception Saturday, November 27, 4 - 7 p.m.November 26 - December […]
The Art Center Dover
1 Washington St., Suite 1177, Dover, NH 03820 (603) 978-6702 theartcenterdover.com theartcenteronlinegallery.com 1 Washington St., Suite 1177, Dover, NH 03820 (603) 978-6702 theartcenterdover.com theartcenteronlinegallery.comA Winter Celebration of the ArtsDecember 4, from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.Come join the Artists at theArt Center as we celebrate theHoliday Season!With live Music, Artdemonstrations, book signings,a Small Works Exhibition andoriginal Artwork for sale. TheAward-Winning Art Center willkick off your holidays in style!The Art Center has over 16Resident Artists, Membered Artists, A Printmaking […]