My entrance into the world of abstract photography began serendipitously ten years ago. Unable to sleep very early one morning, I watched the shadows that the rising sun created within the folds of the bedroom window curtains. The longer I looked, the more I became aware of patterns that resembled things like mountains and faces. I was witnessing a new type of creation coming forth from the natural beauty of fabric so I instinctively grabbed my camera and began taking one photograph after the other, following the path of the sun as it traversed across the curtain material. I then explored the subsequent images in search of other surprises hidden within all of the shadows and fabric folds. It was at this point that I became totally enthralled with the abstract genre and the opportunity to allow my imagination to take flight.I use common elements such as fabric, glass and flowers, coupled with directed lighting to create my abstracts. As my process has developed over the years, I have added dimension to these elements by layering multiple components, lighting them from multiple angles and enlarging segments of the original photos. The resulting images ultimately evolve into what are, for me, evocative images that reference myriad emotions, feelings and recognitions. These images also continually remind me that, even in the mundane and simple, there are extraordinary elements waiting to be discovered and appreciated, much as in life itself. I hope viewers of my work are encouraged to insinuate their own sensibilities into my photographs, thus allowing them a much more personal experience.
- Jo Broderick, Dean of College Relations & Special Asst. to the President Montserrat College of Art
- Susan Reid Danton, Executive Director, Miller White Fine Arts
- Vanessa Boucher, Media Development Associate, Artscope Magazine