by Shem Tane
ALLSTON, MA — On the evening of March 5, sandwiched between two nor’easters, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to watch the band, Ezra Furman, led by its namesake, a Boston native turned nomad, perform at the Great Scott down in Allston.
In an ever-shifting political climate and divisive political scene, Ezra plants their feet on the ground and spits back in the collective face of conformity. Their musical toolbox varies from performance to performance, with a backing band of drums, bass, saxophone, synth, guitar and electric cello. There is a certain grit to Erza’s voice that dips its toes into the glam soaked pitch of T-Rex as well as the stale cigarette stained ramble of Tom Waits.
As the set rolled on they announced to the crowd, “You thought we were fun, but turns out we were really just weird.” This statement was a comment on the success and pop accessibility of their last album, Perpetual Motion People, and how they have transitioned away from it as evidenced by their latest album, Transangelic Exodus (Bella Union). This record moves farther from the safe, soft and controlled environment that was found in their past albums. During the show, their movements were chaotic, sporadic and filled with fear. The sense of anxiety was felt with each song played from the new album. Their performance reflected the past year’s tumultuous events with Ezra Furman’s unique spin.
More information on Ezra Furman can be found at and their other social media platforms. They are well worth checking out.
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