by Suzanne Volmer
“The Power of Paper,” at Gallery 4 at Historic Tiverton Four Corners through July 30, includes works on paper created by 12 artists. Conceived by Chas. Hickey in collaboration with Elaine Hill and Alix Campbell, this exhibition is weighted toward small and mid-range artworks. It tests the waters on this year’s ease of purchase, and is meant to encourage experimentation among collectors who might obsess over that one big purchase. The more daring big-ticket item, in the form of a commanding statement piece, can also be purchased at Gallery 4.
In viewing this show, there is a first impression of fascination about compelling tiny works made into larger constellations of low relief by Jaynie Crimmins. Her artworks in three separate series included in this show are made of shredded household mail meticulously rolled and assembled by hand into organic looking forms that suggest emergent life. Crimmins’ earth-toned arrangement of spiraled forms speaks of primitive culture. The work also identifies with Nick Cave’s Soundsuit sensibility and is based on the idea of radiating form referring to the organic and mathematical relationships found in nature.
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