Against a scratched and striated, formless blushed blue backdrop, a portal gapes. Bubbles emanate from its black depths, and cascading out of it — yet still intricately linked with it — is a mass of both defined and ghostly shapes, shifting, morphing, blending into one another.
Is it the inner landscape of the mind? Alien? Celestial? A depth of the sea or the core of the earth never plumbed? Entitled “Out of the Abyss Came Sweet- ness,” this work of watercolor and gouache is a prime example of artist Linda Murray’s rich, flowing experiential and surrealistic style that distorts and manipulates reality, dimension, the mind and consciousness
A lifelong resident of the Kennebec River Valley, Murray — along with several other local artists — currently displays her work at The Sharpe Gallery in Kennebunk’s lower village.
Taryn Plumb