Catherine Gibson at Studio M
J. Fatima Martins
In all her work, Catherine Gibson is profoundly moved and inspired by fluidity. Whether it be the aesthetics of water, buoyant and layered, the translucence of shifting light, or the unseen but felt energy between people, she internalizes and then physically resonates out, capturing in her art life’s vulnerable fluctuations.
An intuitive creative, she’s talented and skilled in a variety of mediums — painting, drawing and sculpture. Processing visual material in a visceral, organized, observant and problemsolving manner, she has, over 15 years, experimented with glass materials, fusing them in ever-evolving, more complicated deep layers into a style that bridges craft and fine art. Gibson considers herself a sculptor who is at an essential blooming point in her creative career.
In November, she is showing a new group of works at Studio M, where she has been a core artist for over five years represented by fellow artist and gallery owner Mara Gillen Beckwith.
Studio M’s Beckwith, a printmaker who works with “Zen” concepts and motifs, is the perfect “art collaborator” with Gibson. The two artists share an important commonality in their artistic themes and approaches to art-making. They are acutely sensitive to extramundane energy, which they absorb as source material in the creation of their visual compositions.
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