by Sara Farizan
BOSTON- Vessels Gallery in Boston’s South end is a unique art gallery dealing exclusively with ceramic art, a medium that does not always receive as much appreciation as oil paintings or photography. So when gallery director Bobbie Tunnard expressed that the Vessels Gallery’s current show is “one of the most beautiful shows the gallery has ever mounted”, artscope magazine had to investigate.
“Lure” the new show at Vessels features the smooth and sleek crafting of artist Angela Cunningham, a full time artist in Somerville whose work can be found in collections throughout the United States.
Her pieces are hand built in porcelain stoneware and she designs her own glazes, often coating each piece in about ten layers of glaze. When you do see one of her pieces you will know it is not only one of a kind, but by it’s appearance be shocked that it isn’t actually an organic entity, but a vision an artist has brought to life.
The technical savvy and incredible textures of each piece may make the audience feel that these are creations made by a divine entity and not in fact hand crafted. The curves, smooth planes and exquisite colors will beg you to touch almost every piece.
The amount of care and vision that is afforded each and every one of Cunningham’s pieces is extraordinary and will have you re-evaluate why is sometimes an underrated art form. Cunningham’s art is showing now until June, 5th at Vessels Gallery located at 450 Harrison Ave. #71, Boston, MA.